Facts & Questions!

Why should you choose Confident K9Z?

You should choose Confident K9Z because we want YOU & your dog to succeed and live the best lives you can with each other. We provide top notch care for your pets needs. We continuing our learning through courses and seminars, so we can make sure we're always adding tips, and new methods to our toolbox. We're insured and bonded with PROfur, we provide picture/video and text updates at each service. Giving you that extra little peace of mind.

What kind of training methods are used?

We use a method of training called balanced training, we use both rewards and corrections in our training. All animals including humans learn through positive and negative experiences. You speed, you receive a warning or a ticket (correction), you do well at work, you get a raise (rewards). You go after a skunk, you get sprayed! I think you get the point, life comes with consequences when you make poor choices, it's how we learn what is safe and what is not safe, what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. We have many videos for you to check out, with us working dogs!

What training tools do you use?

I use a few different training tools, some of those tools include: flat collars, martingale collar, slip leads, prong collars, ecollars, dominant dog collars, treats, toys, muzzles, crates, pet corrector and more. We're not a fan of the harness unless being used for sport.

Do you guarantee results?

No, we do not guarantee results. Offering a guarantee of results in dog training is unethical because there are so many variables to your dog's success. Environment, genetics etc.

Do you work with all breeds?

Yes! We work with all breeds big and small.

Is my dog too old for training?

Absolutely NOT! Dog's can learn at any age.

What forms of payments do you accept?

Do you offer payment plans?We accept cash or EMT (email money transfer). Yes we do offer payment plans for our board and train programs through PETCARD. financing forms can be found on the board and train page.