Private Sessions

Private Session

Private Session/Assessment:
$120 + tax (1 Hour): Thorndale Outdoor Area Private Session
$160 + tax (1 Hour): In Home Private Session

Our tailored private sessions aim to strengthen the relationship between dog and handler, while also addressing any behavioural or obedience concerns you may have.

Our professional trainers will provide you with the knowledge, and tools necessary to ensure you, and your dogs continued success. Training your dog takes time and commitment. We can give you all the information and tools, but if you're not willing to put in the work, you will not see results.

All private sessions are held in our outdoor off leash area located in Thorndale or in your home. During our session we'll assess your relationship with your dog, your dogs behaviours, and from there discuss the right course of action.

We'll begin to work on skills that you'll implement back at home. Skills will need to be continued, if you don't use them, you lose them. Just like if you were training for any sport, the more you practice and make it a habit, the better you will be. Slack off and you might not be as good as you previously were.

Have you ever heard the saying "Its all how you raise them". I'm here to tell you your dogs behaviour boils down to a lot more than just how their raised. Yes, how they're raised does play a part, but environment, past experience, training and genetics also play a role. Clients need to know a rescue street dog may never be like your typical happy go lucky Golden, they may have nervy genetics that need constant management. Every single dog is different, and learns at a different pace. Do not compare your dog to another, worry about the dog in front of you!

All our programs include lifetime phone and email support, access to our private facebook group, access to our off leash training area (by booking only) and $5 off structured boarding for life.